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  • Tags: Leiden
M.A. Thesis - The study analyses (re)negotiations of power positions and (re)constructions of images in a changing local setting where local people respond to and influence the social, economic, political and cultural context. The question of…
"The Namibian customary system and its administration was severely gender imbalanced and both opponents and proponents of gender equality long believed that women’s rights and traditional rule were eternal foes. Whether or not this was the case in…
M.A. Thesis - This paper will examine the effects of donor support of opposition parties on Namibian democracy. But this central research question elicits other crucial questions: • How does the international community justify its support of…
"Dwelling in Tourism highlights how marginalised Bushmen people are in the middle of a struggle between traditional en modern forces. Tourism, as an important element of conservation strategies, is a phenomenon built on both, and therefore reveals…
Postage stamps and related objects are miniature communication tools, and they tell a story about cultural and political identities and about artistic forms of identity expressions. They are part of the world’s material heritage, and part of history.…
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