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  • Tags: Anthropology
History plays an increasingly important role in anthropological discussions. Historical sources for the cultures and societies traditionally studies by anthropologists are, however, scant. This not only affects anthropological research but it greatly…
The Finnish missionaries in Northern Namibia have enriched anthropology and the study of religions with a unique collection of material on the Ovambo traditions. Now for the first time, these extraordinarily rich stories are presented in English, by…
This paper is made up of two papers. One on settlement in Botswana, and another titled "Settlement Patterns of Khoekhoe speaking Namibians." by Alan and Joy Barnard. This is largely discussion community arrangements, homestead construction, town…
"This dissertations reflects my attempts to understand the practice of 'common sense' or the logic of practice in people's day-to-day lives in the harsh, impoverished environment of the Damaras...."
Katutura, located in Namibia’s major urban center and capital, Windhoek, was a township created by apartheid, and administered in the past by the most rigid machinery of the apartheid era. Namibia became a sovereign state in 1990, and Katutura…
"Die Sammlung AA.1 im Allgemeinen Archiv der Basler Afrika Bibliographien besteht aus einer umfangreichen, zufälligen Ansammlung von Presseartikeln und Ephemera aus und zu Namibia, d.h. Prospekten, Broschüren, Formularen, Werbung und Flugblättern…
"Namibia is an arid to semi-arid country whose people traditionally know how to use this ecologically limited environment. The political, social, and economic changes since the country has become independent made common interest focus on ecological…
Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika. Volume 7, no. 1 (1986): 329-349.
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