Bush Encroachment in Namibia: Report on Phase 1 of the bush Encroachment Research, Monitoring and Management Project
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Bush Encroachment in Namibia: Report on Phase 1 of the bush Encroachment Research, Monitoring and Management Project
"Bush encroachment is defined as “the invasion and/or thickening of aggressive undesired woody species resulting in an imbalance of the grass:bush ratio, a decrease in biodiversity, and a decrease in carrying capacity”, causing severe economic losses for Namibia – in both the commercial (freehold) and communal (nonfreehold) farming areas. The phenomenon of bush encroachment in Namibian savannas is seen to be part of the process of desertification. The main species causing the encroachment problem are Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens (Black thorn), Dichrostachys cineria (Sickle bush), Terminalia sericea (Silver terminalia), Terminalia prunioides (Purple-pod terminalia), Acacia erubescens (Blue thorn), Acacia reficiens (False umbrella thorn1) and Colophospermum mopane (Mopane). Prosopis species also occur in high densities, mainly in the Nossob, Olifants and Auob Rivers and are spreading outside the river lines into the Kalahari. Large areas in the southern parts of the country are also affected by mainly Rhigozum trichotomum (Three thorn) and even Black thorn. Phase 1 of the Bush Encroachment Research, Monitoring and Management Project was launched to determine • the causes of bush encroachment • the methods most suitable to combat invader bush • the impact of problem bushes on land productivity, biodiversity and the socio-economic situation of farmers • the best methods to monitor long-term changes in terms of bush densities and composition • shortcomings in existing policies and legislation related to the problem, and to propose policy reform, and • outputs such as creating an awareness about bush encroachment and networking to combat the problem."
J.N. de Klerk
Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Government of the Republic of Namibia
J.N. de Klerk, “Bush Encroachment in Namibia: Report on Phase 1 of the bush Encroachment Research, Monitoring and Management Project,” Namibia Digital Repository, accessed March 14, 2025, https://namibiadigitalrepository.com/items/show/162.