Unraveling Taboos: Gender and Sexuality in Namibia

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Unraveling Taboos: Gender and Sexuality in Namibia


1. Overview: Gender and Sexuality in Namibia Suzanne LaFont ........................................................................................1 History: Colonialism, Christianity and Tradition

2. Making Tradition: A Historical Perspective on Gender in Namibia Heike Becker..........................................................................................22

3. Past and Present Practices: Sexual Development in Namibia Philippe Talavera.....................................................................................39

4. The Myth of the Asexual Child in Namibia Philippe Talavera.....................................................................................58

5. The Interrelationship of Ohango Ritual, Gender and Youth Status among the Owambo of North-Central Namibia Sayumi Yamakawa ..................................................................................69 Legal Issues: Inequality and Law Reform

6. Ideas about Equality: Gender, Sexuality and the Law Dianne Hubbard .....................................................................................86

7. Gender and Sexuality: The Law Reform Landscape Dianne Hubbard.....................................................................................99 Youth, Gender and Sexuality

8. Adolescent Sexuality: Negotiating Between Tradition and Modernity Panduleni Hailonga-van Dijk .................................................................130

9. How Did I Become the Parent? Gendered Responses to New Responsibilities among Namibian Child-Headed Households Mónica Ruiz-Casares............................................................................148

10. The Social Context of Child Rape in Namibia Rachel Jewkes, Hetty Rose-Junius and Loveday Penn-Kekana ................167 Reproduction and Marriage

11. The Gift from God: Reproductive Decisions and Conflicts of Women in Modern Namibia Martina Gockel-Frank............................................................................182

12. “We all have our own father!” Reproduction, Marriage and Gender in Rural North-West Namibia Julia Pauli..............................................................................................197 HIV/AIDS: Gender and Survival

13. The Face of AIDS is a Woman Lucy Y. Steinitz and Diane Ashton .........................................................216

14. HIV/AIDS, Gender and Sexuality: Socio-Cultural Impediments to Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Autonomy Lucy Edwards .......................................................................................234

15. The Economics of Sex Work and its Implications for HIV for Sex Workers in Namibia Debie LeBeau.......................................................................................255 Same-Sex Sexuality: Silence and Discrimination

16. Breaking a Public Health Silence: HIV Risk and Male-Male Sexual Practices in the Windhoek Urban Area Rob Lorway ..........................................................................................276

17. Same-Sex Sexuality among Damara Women Elizabeth Khaxas and Saskia Wieringa....................................................296 Gender, Sexuality and Power

18. Emotional Abuse and the Dynamics of Power and Control within Intimate Partner Relationships S.M.H. Rose-Junius ..............................................................................314

19. The Male ‘Powersexual’: An Exploratory Study of Manhood, Power and Sexual Behaviour among Afrikaner and Owambo Men in Windhoek Sheila J. Wise........................................................................................330


Suzanne LaFont and Dianne Hubbard




Legal Assistance Centre




© Legal Assistance Centre, 2007








Suzanne LaFont and Dianne Hubbard, “Unraveling Taboos: Gender and Sexuality in Namibia,” Namibia Digital Repository, accessed March 14, 2025, https://namibiadigitalrepository.com/items/show/414.

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