“Towards a Basic Income Grant for All” (Pilot)

Dublin Core


“Towards a Basic Income Grant for All” (Pilot)


In January 2008, a Basic Income Grant (BIG) pilot project began in the Otjivero-Omitara area 100 kilometres east of Windhoek. All residents below the age of 60 years receive a Basic Income Grant of N$100 per person per month, without any conditions being attached. The grant is being given to every person registered as living there in July 2007, whatever their social and economic status. This BIG pilot project is designed and implemented by the Namibian Basic Income Grant Coalition (established in 2004) and is the first universal cash-transfer pilot project in the world. The BIG Coalition thereby aims to practically pilot the Namibian Government's NAMTAX recommendation of a BIG for Namibia. Thus the BIG Coalition regards this project as the first step towards a BIG for all. The BIG Coalition consists of four big umbrella bodies in Namibia, namely, Council of Churches (CCN), the Namibian Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW), the Namibian NGO Forum (NANGOF) and the Namibian Network of AIDS Service Organisations (NANASO). Funds to start the pilot project were raised through voluntary contributions from supporters of the idea from all sections of Namibia's society, and by support from people, churches, organisations and donors in other countries. The BIG pilot project will run for a period of 24 months up to December 2009. The effects of the BIG pilot project are being evaluated on an ongoing basis. Four complementary methods are being used. First, a baseline survey was conducted in November 2007. Second, a panel survey is being conducted every six months, the first being in July 2008. Third, information is being gathered from key informants in the area. Fourth, a series of detailed case studies of individuals living in Otjivero-Omitara is being carried out. This is the report comparing the results of the baseline study and panel data after the first six months of implementation.


Claudia Haarmann, Dirk Haarmann, Herbert Jauch, Hilma Shindondola-Mote, Nicoli Nattrass, Michael Samson and Guy Standing




Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW), Namibia NGO Forum, Labour Resource and Research Institute (LaRRI)




© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2008








Claudia Haarmann, Dirk Haarmann, Herbert Jauch, Hilma Shindondola-Mote, Nicoli Nattrass, Michael Samson and Guy Standing, ““Towards a Basic Income Grant for All” (Pilot),” Namibia Digital Repository, accessed October 22, 2024, https://namibiadigitalrepository.com/items/show/454.

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