Basler Afrika Bibliographien

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Basler Afrika Bibliographien


Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB) is a centre of documentation and expertise on Namibia and southern Africa, located in Basel, Switzerland. The institution comprises an archive, a specialist library and a publishing house, in addition to offering scholarly, cultural and socio-political events.

Its books and documents on Namibia are of international renown, and are known among experts as the most comprehensive documentation outside of Namibia. Among its holdings is a collection of rare books with volumes on Africa going back to the 16th century, a large collection of African posters and extensive historical archives of images, sound recordings, manuscripts and ephemera. Its collections are complemented by scholarly publication activities.


Basler Afrika Bibliographien


© Basler Afrika Bibliographien


German, English


Working Papers, Finding Aids, Books, Edited Collections

Collection Items

"Namibia has a rich intangible cultural heritage. There is an urgent need to record more of it, but there is also a wealth of already recorded oral heritage and music that is in danger of being irretrievably lost if the opportunities of preserving it…

"The starting point for this article was research conducted on the tension between cultural rights and gender equality within the Human Rights and Documentation Centre (HRDC)3 of the University of Namibia’s Faculty of Law in 2007 and 2008. The…

"Im Folgenden wird zunächst die Entwicklungsgemeinschaft des südlichen Afrika (SADC) vorgestellt, bevor die Brennpunkte „Wasser und Land“ im Einzelnen besprochen werden. Sowohl Wasser als auch Land sind knappe Ressourcen in der Region. Das Thema…

"Die Arbeit vergleicht die Entwicklungslinien zwischen Namibia und Südafrika. Beide Länder sind geprägt durch einen jahrzehntelangen Befreiungskampf der Befreiungsbewegungen – South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO) in Namibia und African…

"In der heutigen Vorlesung möchte ich Sie auf eine etwas andere Reise durch namibische Landschaft nehmen, und ich möchte Ihnen dazu ein paar Dinge ins geistige Gepäck mitgeben: 1) Die anfänglich gezeigte Bilderschau hat verdeutlicht, dass namibische…

"This paper centrally uses the recorded oral interviews of former contract labourers from the Kavango in northeast Namibia, supplemented with archival sources from the National Archives of Namibia (NAN) and written sources to reflect on the…

Ich möchte einführend einige Gedanken zur An-ikonizität (also nicht-Bildlichkeit) formulieren. In seiner Betrachtung sogenannter an-ikonischer Gesellschaften, also Gesellschaften die keine Bilder von Menschen, Tieren oder Gottheiten produzierten,…

When the early European settlers and travellers in South Africa looked for traces of the religion of the indigenous peoples they did not find any temples or altars or religious services. They only observed how the Khoekhoen (whom they called…

"Die Sammlung AA.1 im Allgemeinen Archiv der Basler Afrika Bibliographien besteht aus einer umfangreichen, zufälligen Ansammlung von Presseartikeln und Ephemera aus und zu Namibia, d.h. Prospekten, Broschüren, Formularen, Werbung und Flugblättern…

Medic’ Angola came into being in 1971 in Zurich as a 'working group for medical support for the Angolan People.' From 1976, the group called itself Kämpfendes Afrika after the journal of the same name that had been published by Medic' Angola since…

This Finding Aid contains a bibliography of newspaper articles and publications (based in Namibia), published in the 1990s pertaining to Kaoko, Epupa Falls, and development/chieftaincy debates.

The Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB) in Basel, Switzerland, houses a special archival collection on SWAPO. The collection contains primarily printed material from SWAPO and about SWAPO dating from the 1960s to 1990. Thus, the collection covers a…

Im 19. Jahrhundert wurden Nationalismus und Kolonialismus in allen europäischen Nationen eng verknüpft. Kolonialgegner und -befürworter stritten um die Frage, ob Kolonien dem nationalen Interesse dienten – oder nicht. Die Diskussion kreiste nicht nur…

This paper is concerned with the emergence and making of a criminal case in Kaoko between 1929 and 19357 and its bearing on the development of colonial native administration in the territory. I first heard of the ‘elephant case’ in interviews I did…

"Namibia is an arid to semi-arid country whose people traditionally know how to use this ecologically limited environment. The political, social, and economic changes since the country has become independent made common interest focus on ecological…

"The hybrid mix of authoritarianism and democracy disguised as specific form of “nationalism and national projects” (Ndlovu-Gathseni/Ndhlovu 2013) has been normalised in the postcolonial settings. In particular Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa, had…

"In the following pages I try to reconstruct the history of the settlement at Otjeru and of its inhabitants. My writing draws from oral information received by people whose family histories are deeply connected with the place, but is mainly based on…

Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich zum einen mit der Konstruktion, Rekonstruktion und Festschreibung von ethnischen Kategorien während der Kolonialzeit in Namibia, also mit einer spezifischen Ethnisierung, und zum anderen mit der Bedeutung und…
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