Miscellaneous Documents, Pamphlets, Briefings & Promotional Material Concerning Namibia

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Miscellaneous Documents, Pamphlets, Briefings & Promotional Material Concerning Namibia

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Various Condemnations with regard to Namibia, especially Uranium

Definition of an Immigrant -Immigration to South Africa: Historical Background -South Africa's Immigration Policy -Effects of Immigration in Southern Africa and Europe -Implementation of the Immigration Policy: Organizations and Techniques

SWANU's Position at the 1976 UN Session -Contacts between Ambassadors of The Five Western Powers and the NNF -The SWANU Utrecht Meeting

Issue No. 6 - January 1977 -Anticipation of DTA Election Efforts -Dirk Mudge, Clemens Kapuuo, Henry Kissinger -Covert Military Operations in Namibia (Transkei Mercenaries) -Detentions by SWAPO in Exile

Issued as a Supplement to SA Digest (6 February 1981) -A Somewhat Partisan take on the 1977-1980 period in Namibia

Paper delivered at South African Institute of International Affairs, Pretoria, on 27 June 1980

The Interim Government (Conversion of Constituent Assembly into National Assembly) [Kenneth Abrahams] -Inter-Party Talks and the Internal Situation -The UN Plan for Namibia -The Detention of SWAPO Leaders -The President in Pretoria
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