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  • Tags: Bushmen
M.A. Thesis - The study analyses (re)negotiations of power positions and (re)constructions of images in a changing local setting where local people respond to and influence the social, economic, political and cultural context. The question of…
Master (One Year) Thesis in Social and Cultural Analysis (Social Science): Linköping University - "Namibia won its independence in 1990 after a long liberation struggle lead by the – since independence ruling party – SWAPO. There is an ongoing…
Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich zum einen mit der Konstruktion, Rekonstruktion und Festschreibung von ethnischen Kategorien während der Kolonialzeit in Namibia, also mit einer spezifischen Ethnisierung, und zum anderen mit der Bedeutung und…
"Dwelling in Tourism highlights how marginalised Bushmen people are in the middle of a struggle between traditional en modern forces. Tourism, as an important element of conservation strategies, is a phenomenon built on both, and therefore reveals…
Namibia is home to between 30 000 and 33 000 San, who comprise less than 2% of the national population. As a language group they are conspicuously disadvantaged vis-à-vis all other language groups in Namibia on almost every available socio-economic…
This study on the San of Namibia has again brought to light the need for a more broad-based approach involving all stakeholders, through participatory democracy, a legal framework for the recognition and enforcement of the rights of indigenous and…
Different San groups share problems of poverty, powerlessness, social disorganisation and marginalisation. In any agrarian society, the problems of poverty and marginalisation are never far removed from those of land and land tenure. The Namibian San…

Namibia won its independence in 1990 after a long liberation struggle lead by the – since independence ruling party – SWAPO. There is an ongoing nation-building process in the multiethnic country ever since, with a vision about a unified nation. This…
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