The link between security and development has been rediscovered after 9/11 by a broad range of scholars. Focusing on Southern Africa, the Security-Development Nexus shows that the much debated linkage is by no means a recent invention. Rather, the…
This Discussion Paper offers a revised lecture by Reinhart Kössler, which was originally presented to a Research Forum organised by The Nordic Africa Institute jointly with the Seminar for Development Studies of Uppsala University. It deals with…
Namibia won its independence in 1990 after a long liberation struggle lead by the – since independence ruling party – SWAPO. There is an ongoing nation-building process in the multiethnic country ever since, with a vision about a unified nation. This…
PhD Dissertation - "The tourism development nexus in southern Africa involves highly topical issues related to tourism planning, power relations, community participation, and natural resources. Namibia offers a particularly interesting context for…
B.A. (Hons) Thesis - "This paper will examine the Kunene river Hydro-electric schemes, in their historical, legal, military, strategic, technological, economic and political contexts, in order to bring greater understanding of the society and its…
B.A. Thesis (Law) - Human Development Co-operation (HDC-op) has been a part of the international community for a few decades but not everyone agrees on what HDC-op is supposed to achieve. A group of people believes that HDC-op should aim at promoting…
Master (One Year) Thesis in Social and Cultural Analysis (Social Science): Linköping University - "Namibia won its independence in 1990 after a long liberation struggle lead by the – since independence ruling party – SWAPO. There is an ongoing…
M.A. Thesis: Linköping University (Child Studies) - "The overall aim of this study is to investigate the perception of support provided to orphan children in foster care placement in terms of education, care and support as well as protection by…
"This dissertation is the product of, first, an exploration of the history of the concept of the Development University in Africa, and second, analysis of documents and a series of interviews in Namibia. The dissertation has the following goals: To…