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Lau - Namibia in Jonker Afrikaner's Time.pdf
The study Namibia in Jonker Afrikaner's Time is founded on the thesis of Brigitte Lau which was originally submitted to the University of Cape Town in 1982.
Former archivist at the National Archives of Namibia, Brigitte Lau provides the reader with a groundbreaking social, political, and economic history of Namaland in the early to mid 19th century, with particular emphasis on Oorlam migrations, Kommando…
This short publication of the National Archives of Namibia provides an introduction to the German genocide of the Nama and Herero peoples at Shark Island, Luderitz.
"Shortly after the ecstatic victory celebration in Windhoek came the first bad news. Hendrik Witbooi had by no means fled precipitately with his warriors, but had gathered them together, and secretly followed the withdrawing Germans. He succeeded in…
Beschreibung:Hendrik Witbooi und Theodor Leutwein - das sind die zentralen Figuren auf Seiten der Nama und der Deutschen im Zeitraum 1884-1904. Sie kämpften gegeneinander und sie kämpften miteinander. Und sie hatten gegenseitigen Respekt voreinander.…
"The first comprehensive study of the interaction between the European missionaries and Africans in precolonial Namibia focusses on the expansion of the colonial frontier. Africans entered a new world of social relations where they faced the…
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