"Mission operations often found themselves in an ambiguous situation during a war of colonial conquest. On the one hand, the missionaries wanted to protect the people among whom they were working and keep the door open for the preaching of the…
Ich möchte einführend einige Gedanken zur An-ikonizität (also nicht-Bildlichkeit) formulieren. In seiner Betrachtung sogenannter an-ikonischer Gesellschaften, also Gesellschaften die keine Bilder von Menschen, Tieren oder Gottheiten produzierten,…
1 Introduction 2 The area around the Waterberg in Herero oral tradition 3 The “oral character” of the Waterberg area 4 Interpretation 4.1 The mountain itself: Fauna, flora and natural resources 4.2 The surrounding landscape: Wells and settlements 4.3…
Charles John Andersson Papers, vol. 2 - "The author of the present record, Charles John Andersson, is not unknown among students of Namibian history, or Africana book collectors. He was born in Vanersborg (Sweden) to a Swedish mother (Kajsa…
Charles John Andersson Papers, vol. 1 - "The present text documents a year's copper mining activity in Namaland, SWA/Namibia. The year is 1857 and the country ruled by groups of chiefs, the mine is called Matchless, the company exploiting the mine is…
"These reminiscences refer particularly to the first years of my activity in Africa. To me, they are the most delightful, and I am sure that to the friends of missions they will be the most interesting."
Despite being only a B.A. Honours Thesis, Brigitte Lau's work has stood up as a solid resource in Central Namibian historiography and early Namibian history
Doctoral Dissertation: Anthropology - This dissertation describes why events of 100 years ago, during the German colonial period, remain so salient for many Ovaherero today as well as what it means to them to come to terms with that past. A national…
Originally Compiled by Annemarie Heywood and Brigitte Lau as a contribution to the History Conference 1-3 June 1993 sponsored by the Namibisch-Deutsche Stiftung fur kulturelle Zusammenarbeit, published privately.
Documents resistance to the German conquest by the Herero and Nama peoples; the South African take-over under the League of Nations mandate; land, labour and community resistance from 1920-1960; the emergence of Nationalist organisations; appeals to…
"This book covers the entire period of German colonial rule in what is today Namibia. Using previously unpublished German government documents, Drechsler covers not only official government policy but also an analysis of missionaries and traders who…
“Biographies of Namibian leaders of the nineteenth century are rare. We have indepth studies of Hendrik Witbooi, Samuel Maharero and Kahimemua for that period, but few comprehensive analyses of other leading figures. This book, a biography of the…
Contents: 1. Einführung - Wilhem J.G. Möhlig 2 - Unmaking a Market: The Encapsulation of a Regional Trade Network: Northwest Namibia between the 1860s and 1950s. - Michael Bollig 3. Mit Kreuz, Gewehr und Handelskarre: Der Kavango 1903 im kolonialen…
Der bereits von Krankheit gezeichnete Fritz Gaerdes hatte diese Ortchronik von Okahandja zusammengestellt und bezog sich auf damals vorhandene Quellen und auf die eigenen Erlebnissen in den vergangenen 50 Jahren. Zwei Memoranden zur Geschichte der…