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Namibia Review (No. 7) November 1977.pdf
Articles include:

Black Consciousness in Namibia - Timoteus Shilongo

Blacks against Blacks - Per Wästberg

In defence of Andreas Shipanga - Ottilie Abrahams

The Politics of Bryan O'Linn - Gabriel Tuhadeleni

Book Review

Current Events

Namibia Review (No. 6) September 1977.pdf
Articles include:

"Namibia Day" Violence - Timoteus Shilongo

Pay attention to experience by negative example - Moses K. Katjiuongua

"Fortitute" a poem by Z.A. Mnakapa

Preconditions for peace in independent Namibia - Peter Shakumu


Namibia Review (No. 5) July 1977.pdf
Articles include:

Editorial: Election Fever

On Bowing to the Winds of Change - Mbahimua Kapute

From our Archives, notes from 1963

Unemployment in Namibia - Hans Beukes

Dissension is not a hobby - Aaron Shindjoba

Letters to the…

Namibia Review (No. 4) May 1977.pdf
Articles include:

Editorial: Unite or Perish

Pio Marapi Teek: An Interview by Kenneth Abrahams

"SWAPO of Namibia" has no Policy - Godfrey Gaoseb & Moses K. Katjiuongua

Letters to the Editor

Namibia Detainees: the Tan-Zam thousand -…

Namibia Review (No. 3) March 1977.pdf
Articles include:

Editorial: The Draft Constitution

Letter to the Presidents Kaunda and Nyerere - Shakumu

Paul Helmuth: Renegades and Turncoats

Compromise: Our Point of View - Ottilie Abrahams

Letter to Sam Nujoma of SWAPO


Namibia Review (No. 2) January 1977.pdf
Articles Include:

Editorial: The Interim Government

Returning Home - Nikodemus Muundjua

The Namibian Problem (A Voice from the Wilderness) - Aaron Shindjoba

Book Reviews

The Liberation Struggle and the Question of Nationalism in SWA -…

Namibia Review (No. 1) November 1976.pdf
Articles Include:

The Constitution of the Namibia Review Group

Constitutional Conference on SWA

Appraisal of Turnhalle Economics

Comments on Turnhalle: Women, Education, Culture

Black Power, White Extremism, African…
Translation: From a Strange Wanderer to a Human Being: Finnish Missionary Work among Bushmen and the Image of Bushmen 1950-1985 - PhD Dissertation - "My study is focused on the Finnish missionary work among Bushmen in eastern Ovambo and Kavango in…
Doctoral Dissertation (Zoology) - Demographic, biological and behavioural knowledge, together with information on the ecological interactions and impact of a species is fundamental to effective management of most mammal species. In this study, these…
This document survey brings into focus the principled and consistent support extended by India to the people of Namibia through their long and arduous struggle and describes the steps being taken through mutual agreements to further strengthen our…

SWAPO Constitution.pdf
SWAPO Constitution as adopted by the meeting of the Central Committee: 28 July - 1 August 1976, Lusaka Zambia.
1. Overview: Gender and Sexuality in Namibia Suzanne LaFont ........................................................................................1 History: Colonialism, Christianity and Tradition

2. Making Tradition: A Historical Perspective on…
Two issues have been at the forefront of public discourse regarding commercial sex work in Namibia: HIV/AIDS and legal reform. Although there has been significant legal reform in other areas, the Combating of Immoral Practices Act (No. 21 of 1980)…
Here, I describe the geographical distribution of the savanna types in Namibia and identify the factors controlling the occurrence of each savanna type in relation to the amount of annual precipitation and the various physiographical regions,…
Southwestern Africa contains diverse biomes. The amount of the annual precipitation of this area has been traditionally thought to be the most important controlling factor to the differentiation of the biomes. However, this territory experiences the…

This film describes the status of disabled persons in post-independence Namibia. Also illustrated is government and charity aid for specific projects and programs. Narration: Hafeni Mundilo Drummer: Chris West Camera: George Shikongo…
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