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Contents: 1. Einführung - Wilhem J.G. Möhlig 2 - Unmaking a Market: The Encapsulation of a Regional Trade Network: Northwest Namibia between the 1860s and 1950s. - Michael Bollig 3. Mit Kreuz, Gewehr und Handelskarre: Der Kavango 1903 im kolonialen…
"Namibia has a rich intangible cultural heritage. There is an urgent need to record more of it, but there is also a wealth of already recorded oral heritage and music that is in danger of being irretrievably lost if the opportunities of preserving it…
This study investigated seasonal trends of surface temperature and rainfall from 1979 to 2007 in southern Africa. In recent years, annual rainfall has decreased over the African continent from the equator to 20ºS, as well as in Madagascar. On the…
Katutura, located in Namibia’s major urban center and capital, Windhoek, was a township created by apartheid, and administered in the past by the most rigid machinery of the apartheid era. Namibia became a sovereign state in 1990, and Katutura…
PhD Dissertation - "During the peak of apartheid, the South African Defence Force (SADF) killed close to a thousand Namibian exiles at Cassinga in southern Angola. This happened on May 4 1978. In recent years, Namibia commemorates this day,…
Scanty evidence has been the major obstacle for studying historical demography in Sub Saharan Africa. Our most certain knowledge of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century populations development is based on a retrospective view of the…
B.A. Thesis (Law) - Human Development Co-operation (HDC-op) has been a part of the international community for a few decades but not everyone agrees on what HDC-op is supposed to achieve. A group of people believes that HDC-op should aim at promoting…
This study on the San of Namibia has again brought to light the need for a more broad-based approach involving all stakeholders, through participatory democracy, a legal framework for the recognition and enforcement of the rights of indigenous and…
The charcoal industry is a fairly new industry in Namibia, being an innovative by-product of clearing invader bush. The industry grew significantly in the 2001–2010 period, and has now become an important economic sector. Its development as a…
Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich zum einen mit der Konstruktion, Rekonstruktion und Festschreibung von ethnischen Kategorien während der Kolonialzeit in Namibia, also mit einer spezifischen Ethnisierung, und zum anderen mit der Bedeutung und…
-Documented Incidents of SADF Action in Mozambique (Part 8)
-Notes on Namibia's Transition to Independence (Gottfriend Wellmer)
-On the Instrument and the Capital for Land Reform in Namibia: Some Considerations on the Independent State's Options
-Mozambique/South Africa Economic Relations since Nkomati (part 7)
-Mozambique/South Africa Economic Relations since Nkomati (part 5)
-Documented Incidents of SADF Action in Mozambique (part 6)
-Mozambique/South Africa Economic Relations since Nkomati (part 4)
-Documented Incidents of SADF Action in Mozambique
-Features of the Namibian Economy (With Data and compilation of companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange)
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