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The link between security and development has been rediscovered after 9/11 by a broad range of scholars. Focusing on Southern Africa, the Security-Development Nexus shows that the much debated linkage is by no means a recent invention. Rather, the…
The volume brings together papers by African and Nordic/Scandinavian gender scholars and anthropologists, in attempts to investigate and critically discuss existing lines of thinking about sexuality in Africa, while at the same time creating space…
The re-siting of the Rider Monument in central Windhoek from the site of one of the concentration camps from the first genocide of the 20th century to a new location in front of the museum at the Alte Feste has raised many questions. So too, has the…
This highly acclaimed bibliography contains more than 2,100 entries, of which over 1,000 are annotated, including books, articles, unpublished reports, conference papers, official publications and periodicals in English, German, Afrikaans and the…
Are there ways and means of measuring democracy and “good governance”? The contributions to this Discussion Paper present attempts to do this by means of surveys on democratic attitudes in Mozambique and Namibia respectively as well as by exploring…
Nordic organisations in independent Namibia : report from a conference in Sigtuna, 9-10 March, 1989
This report explores the interface between recent socio-political changes in Namibia, and the way they are reflected in emergent musical practices and identities within the country. The potential tension between unity and diversity is investigated…
Namibia: colonialism, apartheid and liberation struggle in Southern Africa (translation from the Norwegian)
This Discussion Paper is another result of the project “Liberation and Democracy in Southern Africa” (LiDeSA), which was coordinated at the Institute between 2001 and 2006. The papers are revised versions of presentations to a Session of the Research…
This Discussion Paper offers a revised lecture by Reinhart Kössler, which was originally presented to a Research Forum organised by The Nordic Africa Institute jointly with the Seminar for Development Studies of Uppsala University. It deals with…
This Discussion Paper highlights in complementary ways problems and challenges for governance issues under centralised state agencies, which base their authority and legitimacy on a dominant party and its influence. The case study on Namibia argues…
From 1960, SWAPO of Namibia led the organised and later armed struggle for independence. In late 1989, the liberation movement was finally elected to power under United Nations supervision as the legitimate government. When the Republic of Namibia…
This volume completes the research project on "Liberation and Democracy in Southern Africa" (LiDeSA). It mainly addresses socioeconomic and gender-related issues in contemporary Namibia. Most of the contributors are either Namibian, based in Namibia…
The 1990s completed a process of transition in Namibia and South Africa that brought formal decolonisation in Africa to an end. These two contributions review some aspects of the transformation and complement each other. They take stock of the…
A policy briefing on Namibian economic dependence in Southern Africa. Focus on Walvis Bay, Mines, and Banking in SACU
What is the role of international development assistance in a newly independent country such as Namibia? The two studies in this report give some inputs to the discussion on the benefits and problems of aid. One focuses on macro-economics, resource…
Since the establishment in 1962 of the Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, it has followed events in Southern Africa and has been active in disseminating information about the region through seminars and publications. In 1981 the situation in…
The study analyses why and how the Ovambo women in northern Namibia participated in the struggle which led to the independent Namibia. The study also examines the changes in women's lives caused by the arrival of Christianity, colonialism, the cash…
Advocacy in Action is a 336-page manual designed primarily for non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and grassroots-based groups who are interested in increasing their advocacy skills. It contains concrete, practical information about advocacy…
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