Browse Items (433 total)
Katutura, located in Namibia’s major urban center and capital, Windhoek, was a township created by apartheid, and administered in the past by the most rigid machinery of the apartheid era. Namibia became a sovereign state in 1990, and Katutura…
Kenya Battalion in Namibia is a debut book of note by a retired Kenya Army officer. The book is ground-breaking because in the highly secretive military service in Kenya, rarely do we hear army officers tell about their exploits in the service. It is…
"Kernel tells about the San (Bushmen) of the western Okavango region of Namibia in the late 1950s and early 1960s - a period when the education system was being extended to include these earliest indigenous inhabitants of southern Africa. As a young…

Date: 9 August 2012 Location: Windhoek Time: ~ 50 Minutes Interview conducted by Bernard Moore & Matthew Ecker Topics: -Introduction to his political life w/ NP of SWA -Against Res. 435 because of “one man, one vote” -Description of SWA as “mandate,…
The Following is extracted from a webpage at the University of Kent at Canterbury. It provides background on the film clip. "The smelting movie was chosen for this project for a number of reasons. Essentially it is a good example of an ethnographic…
Trans: "Missionary Doctor Selma Rainio: Representative of Western Culture and Medicine in Ovamboland, 1908-1938" - Master's Thesis: University of Eastern Finland - Lähetyslääkäri Selma Rainio länsimaisen kulttuurin ja lääketieteen edustajana…
1 Introduction 2 The area around the Waterberg in Herero oral tradition 3 The “oral character” of the Waterberg area 4 Interpretation 4.1 The mountain itself: Fauna, flora and natural resources 4.2 The surrounding landscape: Wells and settlements 4.3…
Masters thesis in Water Resources and Livelihood Security - "The Okavango river flows from southern Angola, through the Kavango region of Namibia and into the Okavango Delta in Botswana. The recent peace in Angola hopefully marks the end of the…
The hyperarid to arid Namib Desert extends along the west coast of southern Africa. The Kuiseb River is one of the major ephemeral rivers originating in the interior highland, and crosses the Namib Desert. Fluvial terraces are well developed along…
Doctoral Dissertation on agrarian structure and agriculture policies during the German colonial period. Written in 1913 at the University of Heidelberg
Last Steps to Uhuru is and eyewitness account of the crucial years of transition in Namibia, from 1988-1992. It covers the last political protests and campaigns, the return of Exiles, the UN monitored elections, the adoption of a constitution, and…
In the Namib, the tectonic and geographic setting of the area means that there are no large lake basins, and relict aeolian deposits appear to be quite rare. This has posed severe problems for reconstructing palaeoclimates in this region. In…
Legal opinion on the expropriation of commercial farmland, focusing on the terms ‘national interest’ and ‘just compensation’. 1 Introduction 2 The right to property (Article 16 (1) of the Namibian Constitution) 3 Expropriation for public interest…
"This book covers the entire period of German colonial rule in what is today Namibia. Using previously unpublished German government documents, Drechsler covers not only official government policy but also an analysis of missionaries and traders who…
Proceedings of the Fifth Southern African Forum On Trade (SAFT) held in Pretoria, South Africa, on 6–7 August 2008.

Implementation challenges for the SADC FTA: tariff and non-tariff barriers
Evengelista Mudzonga

Preferential Rules of Origin in…
"The hybrid mix of authoritarianism and democracy disguised as specific form of “nationalism and national projects” (Ndlovu-Gathseni/Ndhlovu 2013) has been normalised in the postcolonial settings. In particular Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa, had…
"These reminiscences refer particularly to the first years of my activity in Africa. To me, they are the most delightful, and I am sure that to the friends of missions they will be the most interesting."
In 1990, Namibia emerged from colonial rule with a skewed distribution of agricultural land and high levels of poverty. The new government led by SWAPO Party initiated a process to address the land question within the first few months of…
In 1990, Namibia emerged from colonial rule with a skewed distribution of agricultural land and high levels of poverty. The new government led by SWAPO Party initiated a process to address the land question within the first few months of…
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