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  • Collection: Dissertations on Namibia
Trans: "Missionary Doctor Selma Rainio: Representative of Western Culture and Medicine in Ovamboland, 1908-1938" - Master's Thesis: University of Eastern Finland - Lähetyslääkäri Selma Rainio länsimaisen kulttuurin ja lääketieteen edustajana…
PhD Dissertation: Forestry - The objective of the present study was to analyse the change in forest cover in the Owambo area of north-central Namibia, focusing especially on the domestic use of wood in constructions on farms. Aerial photographs from…
Dissertation (M.A. in Geology, Stellenbosch) - "The Naukluft Region is situated +- 200 km southwest of Windhoek in Namibia and includes the Naukluft Nappe Complex (NNC), a series of nappe stacks of severely thrusted and folded limestones and…
PhD Dissertation (History of Art) - "This dissertation examines the trajectory of Namibian art during the country's multiple phases of nationalism from 1946 to 2003. Nationalism, an ideological construct that posits unified national identity and a…
Master (one year) Thesis in Social and Cultural Analysis Year 2010 - "Namibia is one of the most unequal countries in the world and has high rates of poverty. In the thesis the proposal for a basic income grant as a strategy for poverty alleviation…
PhD Dissertation - "Frans Hendrik Odendaal is in 1898 op Kimberley gebore. Hy het sy jeugjare op Boshof deurgebring en matrikuleer in 1916. Deur privaatstudie kwalifiseer hy in 1927 as prokureur. Hy is in 1919 met Magdalena Petronella du Plessis…
M.A. Thesis: KTH the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, (Machine Design) - "There are many factors creating difficulties with the electrification of Namibia. For instance, the country is very sparsely populated, and the inhabitants…
M.A. Thesis: KTH the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden - "This study is part of a larger project in which the Tsumeb municipality, Falun municipality and Falu Energi & Vatten AB work together to change the currently used controlled waste dumping…
Masters thesis in Water Resources and Livelihood Security - "The Okavango river flows from southern Angola, through the Kavango region of Namibia and into the Okavango Delta in Botswana. The recent peace in Angola hopefully marks the end of the…
Part of M.A. Thesis (Economics) - "Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att studera den Namibiska elmarknaden, givet att Epupa kraftverket byggs. Tre hypoteser ställdes upp, nämligen att Epupa projektet kommer att ge Namibia en självförsörjande…
M.A. Thesis: KTH the Royal Institute of Technology (Machine Design) - "Namibia is one of the most sparsely populated countries with a total area of 825 600 km2. There are still many residents in the country without access to electricity, and with the…
Master (One Year) Thesis in Social and Cultural Analysis (Social Science): Linköping University - "Namibia won its independence in 1990 after a long liberation struggle lead by the – since independence ruling party – SWAPO. There is an ongoing…
M.A. Thesis: Linköping University (Child Studies) - "The overall aim of this study is to investigate the perception of support provided to orphan children in foster care placement in terms of education, care and support as well as protection by…
PhD in Public Administration: University of Namibia - "The main objective of this dissertation was to investigate issues of cross-border migration and their effects on the project of SADC regional integration. The principal theoretical grounding…
Bachelor's Thesis: Teacher Education: Linnaeus University - "The aim of this thesis is to find out if there is a gap between the formalization level and the realization level in the Namibian school system. Moreover, our aim is to figure out how we,…
M.A. Thesis: Social and Welfare Studies (Linköping University) - "Using a critical discourse analysis this study focuses on the Namibian nation-building process. The former colony gained its independence in 1990 from the South African apartheid…
PhD Dissertation - The continuity of the Kalahari Copperbelt (KCB) beneath the Cenozoic cover of the Kalahari Group in central eastern Namibia has long been assumed, but was only confirmed by exploration drilling in 2010 when Eiseb Prospecting and…
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