Browse Items (433 total)
1: Robert Gordon, “Introduction: On the Perniciousness of Inheritance Problems” ................................................. 1

2: Thomas Widlok, “Take it or leave it: The post- and pre-mortal inheritance of San people in the Oshikoto Region”…
Charles John Andersson Papers, vol. 1 - "The present text documents a year's copper mining activity in Namaland, SWA/Namibia. The year is 1857 and the country ruled by groups of chiefs, the mine is called Matchless, the company exploiting the mine is…
Since independence SWAPO Party has gone through a transition and transformation process, from a liberation movement to a political party. It is committed to the principle of a multi-party democracy and therefore to multi-partyism as enshrined in the…
"Why did Namibian trade unions lose a large part of their newly gained popularity after independence in 1990? The first May Day celebrations barely six weeks after independence was a flop. In Namibia, the colonial period did not create a large…
PhD Dissertation - The continuity of the Kalahari Copperbelt (KCB) beneath the Cenozoic cover of the Kalahari Group in central eastern Namibia has long been assumed, but was only confirmed by exploration drilling in 2010 when Eiseb Prospecting and…
This publication forms part of the series The Justice Sector and the Rule of Law in Namibia, which is jointly published by the Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) and the Human Rights and Documentation Centre (HRDC), which is based in the Faculty…
This publication forms part of the series The Justice Sector and the Rule of Law in Namibia, which is jointly published by the Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) and the Human Rights and Documentation Centre (HRDC), which is based in the Faculty…
This publication forms part of the series The Justice Sector and the Rule of Law in Namibia, which is jointly published by the Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) and the Human Rights and Documentation Centre (HRDC), which is based in the Faculty…
Until the middle of the 19th century, very few references exist regarding the occurrence of animal diseases in Namibia. With the introduction of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) in 1859, this picture changed completely and livestock owners…
The Roman Catholic church (Vicarate of Windhoek) and the Namibian Socio-Political Situation 1971-1981
Bachelor's Thesis: Teacher Education: Linnaeus University - "The aim of this thesis is to find out if there is a gap between the formalization level and the realization level in the Namibian school system. Moreover, our aim is to figure out how we,…
M.A. Dissertation - The Karasburg Basin is situated in southern Namibia and preserves a heterogeneous succession of Karoo Supergroup strata up to 1000m thick. The uppermost preserved succession in this basin is the Amibberg Formation which is 250m…
Former archivist at the National Archives of Namibia, Brigitte Lau provides the reader with a groundbreaking social, political, and economic history of Namaland in the early to mid 19th century, with particular emphasis on Oorlam migrations, Kommando…
This paper is concerned with the emergence and making of a criminal case in Kaoko between 1929 and 19357 and its bearing on the development of colonial native administration in the territory. I first heard of the ‘elephant case’ in interviews I did…
"The starting point of this study were the discussions among the Finnish research-workers interested in Africa. On the basis of the above description, they felt it necessary to start an interdisciplinary program into the former South West Africa.…
Namibia’s Constitution is a remarkable achievement. It was put together by 72 elected members of the Constituent Assembly in just 80 days in late 1989 and early 1990. Many of these Assembly members had been sworn enemies up until the Namibian…
"Namibia is an arid to semi-arid country whose people traditionally know how to use this ecologically limited environment. The political, social, and economic changes since the country has become independent made common interest focus on ecological…
Lewis' thesis explores the events leading up to and the effects of the 1922 Bondelswarts Uprising in the South of Namibia. Military, economic, political and cultural factors are explored. Maps are provided
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