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From Windhoek to Washington cover.jpg
Structured without narration, Namibians and those involved in the liberation struggle give their input on the fight against Apartheid in what was then South West Africa. Focus is given to the international political elements such as the Cold War,…
Contents: 1. Einführung - Wilhem J.G. Möhlig 2 - Unmaking a Market: The Encapsulation of a Regional Trade Network: Northwest Namibia between the 1860s and 1950s. - Michael Bollig 3. Mit Kreuz, Gewehr und Handelskarre: Der Kavango 1903 im kolonialen…
"The Namibian customary system and its administration was severely gender imbalanced and both opponents and proponents of gender equality long believed that women’s rights and traditional rule were eternal foes. Whether or not this was the case in…
Der bereits von Krankheit gezeichnete Fritz Gaerdes hatte diese Ortchronik von Okahandja zusammengestellt und bezog sich auf damals vorhandene Quellen und auf die eigenen Erlebnissen in den vergangenen 50 Jahren. Zwei Memoranden zur Geschichte der…
History plays an increasingly important role in anthropological discussions. Historical sources for the cultures and societies traditionally studies by anthropologists are, however, scant. This not only affects anthropological research but it greatly…
This Discussion Paper highlights in complementary ways problems and challenges for governance issues under centralised state agencies, which base their authority and legitimacy on a dominant party and its influence. The case study on Namibia argues…
M.A. Dissertation - National parks have been established in the Third World throughout the last century without consulting local people. Usually management plans of these areas fail to include the local residents. International agreements have been…
In order to further strengthen civil society in Namibia and support the interaction between government and civil society, the NID compiled this guide to provide an overview of the mandate of NGOs and CSOs in Namibia, together with contact details and…

Date: 15 August 2012 Location: Windhoek Time: ~ 1 Hour Interview conducted by Bernard Moore & Matthew Ecker Topics: -Winning a scholarship to Fordham Univ. in New York -Friends in the Black power movement in New York -Petitioning at the United…
Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich zum einen mit der Konstruktion, Rekonstruktion und Festschreibung von ethnischen Kategorien während der Kolonialzeit in Namibia, also mit einer spezifischen Ethnisierung, und zum anderen mit der Bedeutung und…
Issue No. 6 - January 1977 -Anticipation of DTA Election Efforts -Dirk Mudge, Clemens Kapuuo, Henry Kissinger -Covert Military Operations in Namibia (Transkei Mercenaries) -Detentions by SWAPO in Exile
"The first comprehensive study of the interaction between the European missionaries and Africans in precolonial Namibia focusses on the expansion of the colonial frontier. Africans entered a new world of social relations where they faced the…
Two issues have been at the forefront of public discourse regarding commercial sex work in Namibia: HIV/AIDS and legal reform. Although there has been significant legal reform in other areas, the Combating of Immoral Practices Act (No. 21 of 1980)…
Sharing of knowledge is one principle of TUCSIN. Therefore 19 scientists and 2 writers from USA, Canada, Germany, South Africa and Namibia made the effort to report on their past and present activities in Namibia. The articles span a time frame of…

Homecoming - The GDR Kids of Namibia.pdf
"Sometimes if you are fortunate, you have two or more places that you call home. Sometimes, conflicts arise in your allegiance to multiple homes, and your loyalties are divided. Young Namibians who spent the 1980s in exile in East Germany have had to…
Published PhD Dissertation - This study discusses the legitimacy basis of political power and its changes in historical African societies. It starts from Luc de Heusch's tenet that political power required a legitimacy basis of a spiritual kind,…
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