Browse Items (433 total)
An examination of economic issues that are generally omitted by political party manifestos. 1 Introduction 2 Size of government and fiscal policy 3 Government ownership in economy 4 Labour, poverty and welfare 5 Trade and economic integration 6…
M.A. Thesis: Social and Welfare Studies (Linköping University) - "Using a critical discourse analysis this study focuses on the Namibian nation-building process. The former colony gained its independence in 1990 from the South African apartheid…
Part of M.A. Thesis (Economics) - "Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att studera den Namibiska elmarknaden, givet att Epupa kraftverket byggs. Tre hypoteser ställdes upp, nämligen att Epupa projektet kommer att ge Namibia en självförsörjande…
This study examines land use, natural resource, and development conflicts, and the effects of government policies in a remote area in northeastern Namibia, known formerly as West Bushmanland, now Tsumkwe West. !Xun and Khwe San who had been soldiers…
1: Robert Gordon, “Introduction: On the Perniciousness of Inheritance Problems” ................................................. 1

2: Thomas Widlok, “Take it or leave it: The post- and pre-mortal inheritance of San people in the Oshikoto Region”…
M.A. Thesis - "The overall aim of this study is to investigate the use of community libraries in Namibia. The study aims at finding solid data on the actual use of community libraries, who needs them and what do they need them for. Main questions…
This thesis is a study of the social-economy of pastoralism in Damaraland, a former homeland of Namibia. It focuses on communal livestock farmers and their families, their strategies for coping with drought, poverty and a legacy of political…
"Mission operations often found themselves in an ambiguous situation during a war of colonial conquest. On the one hand, the missionaries wanted to protect the people among whom they were working and keep the door open for the preaching of the…

A Film about Commercial farm owners, Black farm workers and the issues of land tenure and land reform in Namibia. Camera: Richard Pakleppa Sound: Ignatius Hango & Ben Tsuob Narration: Sima Luipert Editor: Andrew Pearson Facilities: New Dawn Video…

"Out of the experience of a bitter war with South Africa, the film's voices tell of war crimes committed by Namibia's liberation movement. Since being elected to government, the former liberation movement has urged that the past should be forgotten…

This Film Describes the situation of the Black pastoral farmers of Namibia, including their feelings toward land tenure and use and the difficult social conditions under which they live. Camera: Richard Pakleppa & George Shikongo Sound: Ignatius…
"This dissertations reflects my attempts to understand the practice of 'common sense' or the logic of practice in people's day-to-day lives in the harsh, impoverished environment of the Damaras...."
B.A. (Hons) Thesis - "This paper will examine the Kunene river Hydro-electric schemes, in their historical, legal, military, strategic, technological, economic and political contexts, in order to bring greater understanding of the society and its…
This Discussion Paper offers a revised lecture by Reinhart Kössler, which was originally presented to a Research Forum organised by The Nordic Africa Institute jointly with the Seminar for Development Studies of Uppsala University. It deals with…

From Reserve to Homeland - South African Native Policy in Southern Namibia.pdf
The beginning of South African rule in present day Namibia marks a watershed in the country's history. The new developments initiated by a change in colonial rulers have generally been underestimated in existing literature.
"An Illustrated History of Namibia's Tropical Region where Four Countries Meet" ISBN: 0620257520
"On the dawn of Namibia's independence from South African rule in 1990, around 43,000 exiles were repatriated to the country formerly known as South West Africa. Of these, many had left their country of birth to flee the brutality of South Africa's…
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