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Ich möchte einführend einige Gedanken zur An-ikonizität (also nicht-Bildlichkeit) formulieren. In seiner Betrachtung sogenannter an-ikonischer Gesellschaften, also Gesellschaften die keine Bilder von Menschen, Tieren oder Gottheiten produzierten,…
"This paper centrally uses the recorded oral interviews of former contract labourers from the Kavango in northeast Namibia, supplemented with archival sources from the National Archives of Namibia (NAN) and written sources to reflect on the…
"In der heutigen Vorlesung möchte ich Sie auf eine etwas andere Reise durch namibische Landschaft nehmen, und ich möchte Ihnen dazu ein paar Dinge ins geistige Gepäck mitgeben: 1) Die anfänglich gezeigte Bilderschau hat verdeutlicht, dass namibische…
"Die Arbeit vergleicht die Entwicklungslinien zwischen Namibia und Südafrika. Beide Länder sind geprägt durch einen jahrzehntelangen Befreiungskampf der Befreiungsbewegungen – South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO) in Namibia und African…
"Im Folgenden wird zunächst die Entwicklungsgemeinschaft des südlichen Afrika (SADC) vorgestellt, bevor die Brennpunkte „Wasser und Land“ im Einzelnen besprochen werden. Sowohl Wasser als auch Land sind knappe Ressourcen in der Region. Das Thema…
"The starting point for this article was research conducted on the tension between cultural rights and gender equality within the Human Rights and Documentation Centre (HRDC)3 of the University of Namibia’s Faculty of Law in 2007 and 2008. The…
"Namibia has a rich intangible cultural heritage. There is an urgent need to record more of it, but there is also a wealth of already recorded oral heritage and music that is in danger of being irretrievably lost if the opportunities of preserving it…
Namibia’s Constitution is a remarkable achievement. It was put together by 72 elected members of the Constituent Assembly in just 80 days in late 1989 and early 1990. Many of these Assembly members had been sworn enemies up until the Namibian…
This publication forms part of the series The Justice Sector and the Rule of Law in Namibia, which is jointly published by the Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) and the Human Rights and Documentation Centre (HRDC), which is based in the Faculty…
This publication forms part of the series The Justice Sector and the Rule of Law in Namibia, which is jointly published by the Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) and the Human Rights and Documentation Centre (HRDC), which is based in the Faculty…
This publication forms part of the series The Justice Sector and the Rule of Law in Namibia, which is jointly published by the Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) and the Human Rights and Documentation Centre (HRDC), which is based in the Faculty…
A selection of views on and analyses of land reform and the land issue in Namibia. Edited Volume by Justine Hunter of the NID. Contributions Willie Breytenbach Ben Fuller Colleen Muchinarwo Gwari Oliver Horsthemke Justine Hunter Uazuva Kaumbi Willem…
Legal opinion on the expropriation of commercial farmland, focusing on the terms ‘national interest’ and ‘just compensation’. 1 Introduction 2 The right to property (Article 16 (1) of the Namibian Constitution) 3 Expropriation for public interest…
Based on questionnaires that constitute the basis of in-depth interviews with party representatives. 1 Introduction 2 Methodology 3 Section 1 of the questionnaire: Government 3.1 Decentralisation 3.2 Government efficiency 3.3 Government corruption…
An examination of economic issues that are generally omitted by political party manifestos. 1 Introduction 2 Size of government and fiscal policy 3 Government ownership in economy 4 Labour, poverty and welfare 5 Trade and economic integration 6…
1 Introduction 2 The area around the Waterberg in Herero oral tradition 3 The “oral character” of the Waterberg area 4 Interpretation 4.1 The mountain itself: Fauna, flora and natural resources 4.2 The surrounding landscape: Wells and settlements 4.3…
A review of the progress made by the decentralization policy and of Regional Council’s track records. 1. Introduction 2. Historical context 3. The implementation phase 3.1 Progress since 2000 3.2 Impediments in the way 4. Political considerations 5.…
In order to further strengthen civil society in Namibia and support the interaction between government and civil society, the NID compiled this guide to provide an overview of the mandate of NGOs and CSOs in Namibia, together with contact details and…
The former Labor Minister of SWAPO (Southwest Africa People's Organization) recounts his personal saga of developing political commitment, conflict with the Boer adversary, imprisonment, torture, trial, rustication, and the agonizing decision to flee…
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