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"Nakambale is a gripping description of SWA History (1869-1926) describing the life of Martin (Martti) Rautanen, a young Finnish man, come to work in the Northern part of the country as one of the first Finnish missionaries. He lived and worked in…
M.A. Thesis - "Roughly 10% of the Namibian GDP and over 40% of total exports are dependent on the mining sector. Namibia is one of the five leading uranium producing countries worldwide withperspectives to triple the production in the following…
The !Nara plant is endemic to the central Namib Desert. The Topnaar people, who live along the Kuiseb River, use this plant in their daily lives, as it serves as a vital source of income, nutrition, and traditional culture. !Nara is virtually the…
"The starting point of this study were the discussions among the Finnish research-workers interested in Africa. On the basis of the above description, they felt it necessary to start an interdisciplinary program into the former South West Africa.…
"The project, 'Namibiana in Finland' was divided into two branches. The first of these, being the proper documentation part of the project, consists of the inventory and cataloging of the Finnish archival records and literature on Namibia. The other…
M.A. Thesis: KTH the Royal Institute of Technology (Machine Design) - "Namibia is one of the most sparsely populated countries with a total area of 825 600 km2. There are still many residents in the country without access to electricity, and with the…
Published PhD Dissertation - This study discusses the legitimacy basis of political power and its changes in historical African societies. It starts from Luc de Heusch's tenet that political power required a legitimacy basis of a spiritual kind,…
Dr. Schivute, who had been a member of SWAPO since 1960, left Namibia in 1962. He graduated in 1969 and became one of Namibia's first medical doctors to qualify under SWAPO's mass education programme. Over and above his MD, he gained further medical…
Technical Cooperation Programme, related to the FAO Namibia, 1995. 'TCP/NAM/4453' This was in the same folder from Rob Gordon labelled "Traditional Authorities Conference, 1995". It appears however, that this paper was not presented at this…
The aim of this paper is to examine the indigenous San cultural identity that transcends ecological zones across the borders of Botswana, Namibia and South Africa respectively. The paper explores the representation of borders and boundaries within…
The Finnish missionaries in Northern Namibia have enriched anthropology and the study of religions with a unique collection of material on the Ovambo traditions. Now for the first time, these extraordinarily rich stories are presented in English, by…
History plays an increasingly important role in anthropological discussions. Historical sources for the cultures and societies traditionally studies by anthropologists are, however, scant. This not only affects anthropological research but it greatly…
"Shortly after the ecstatic victory celebration in Windhoek came the first bad news. Hendrik Witbooi had by no means fled precipitately with his warriors, but had gathered them together, and secretly followed the withdrawing Germans. He succeeded in…
This paper is concerned with the emergence and making of a criminal case in Kaoko between 1929 and 19357 and its bearing on the development of colonial native administration in the territory. I first heard of the ‘elephant case’ in interviews I did…
"In der heutigen Vorlesung möchte ich Sie auf eine etwas andere Reise durch namibische Landschaft nehmen, und ich möchte Ihnen dazu ein paar Dinge ins geistige Gepäck mitgeben: 1) Die anfänglich gezeigte Bilderschau hat verdeutlicht, dass namibische…
"Die Fotografin Anneliese Scherz begleitete 1953 als Auftragsfotografin über vier Wochen hinweg die amerikanische Ethnologen-Familie Lorna, Laurence und John Marshall während ihrer Forschungen bei den Ju/‘hoansi in der Nyae Nyae Region in Namibia.…
Trans: "Finnish Missionaries' Activities and Experiences during the Famine in Ovamboland, 1928-33." - Master's Dissertation: University of Eastern Finland - Tutkimustiedote Joensuun yliopisto Yhteiskunta- ja aluetieteiden tiedekunta/Yleinen historia…
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