Browse Items (433 total)
Large scale land acquisitions by foreign investors in Africa for agricultural purposes continue to capture attention worldwide. In recent years Namibia has received some proposals from multi-national agricultural corporations to develop large scale…
PhD Dissertation - "During the peak of apartheid, the South African Defence Force (SADF) killed close to a thousand Namibian exiles at Cassinga in southern Angola. This happened on May 4 1978. In recent years, Namibia commemorates this day,…
M.A. Thesis: KTH the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, (Machine Design) - "There are many factors creating difficulties with the electrification of Namibia. For instance, the country is very sparsely populated, and the inhabitants…
Forests line the course of the Kuiseb River, an ephemeral river in the Namib Desert, and several areas of these forests are characterized by high concentrations of tree death (Mizuno, 2005; Mizuno & Yamagata, 2005). We sought to clarify the…
The Namib Desert is located along the western coast of Namibia and is affected by the cold Benguela Current. Although forest is distributed along the Kuiseb River in the Namib Desert, many trees are almost dead in some areas. The aim of this research…
The 'Great Kalahari Debate' which revolved around the degree of isolation of the Ju/'hoansi Bushmen failed to adequately interrogate the Bushmen on what they knew of their own history. A combination of interviews with respected Ju/'hoansi elders and…
Much of the film consists of footage from Church services and landscape surrounding a Swakopmund church. Narration is in German, though some scenes are in Afrikaans with Nama and Otjiherero translations. Some of the footage is dedicated to life in…
Doctoral Dissertation (Zoology) - Demographic, biological and behavioural knowledge, together with information on the ecological interactions and impact of a species is fundamental to effective management of most mammal species. In this study, these…
Here, I describe the geographical distribution of the savanna types in Namibia and identify the factors controlling the occurrence of each savanna type in relation to the amount of annual precipitation and the various physiographical regions,…
A new and improved cultivar of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), Okashana-1, was released in Namibia in 1990 and was rapidly adopted in Ovamboland. However, as most farmers do not buy new seeds each year, any genetic trials of the cultivar on actual…
"Farming has thus forcefully shaped human history over the past 11,000 years. But what of Namibia, where agriculture has only been practiced during the last thousand years or so? How has farming changed, and what sections of Namibian society are…
"In der heutigen Vorlesung möchte ich Sie auf eine etwas andere Reise durch namibische Landschaft nehmen, und ich möchte Ihnen dazu ein paar Dinge ins geistige Gepäck mitgeben: 1) Die anfänglich gezeigte Bilderschau hat verdeutlicht, dass namibische…
M.A. Thesis: KTH the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden - "This study is part of a larger project in which the Tsumeb municipality, Falun municipality and Falu Energi & Vatten AB work together to change the currently used controlled waste dumping…
"Das deutsche Ehepaar Anneliese Scherz (1900–1985) und Ernst Rudolf Scherz (1906–1981) verbrachte bis 1979 den Grossteil seines Lebens in «Südwest-Afrika», dem heutigen Namibia. Der promovierte Chemiker Ernst Rudolf Scherz war bereits 1933 aus…
"Im Rahmen eines Praktikums bei den Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB) habe ich mich mit Korrespondenzakten des Ehepaars Anneliese und Ernst Rudolf Scherz aus Windhoek (Namibia) befasst. Ein grosser Teil des schriftlichen (und fotografischen)…
Scanty evidence has been the major obstacle for studying historical demography in Sub Saharan Africa. Our most certain knowledge of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century populations development is based on a retrospective view of the…
Finland's special characteristics as a Nordic, non-aligned welfare state gave it the resources and motivation to support liberation movements - in spite of restrictions arising from trade interests and a reluctance to jeopardise the country's neutral…
In a shocking and moving documentary we see the terrible living conditions and racism under which the Black majority lives in Namibia and the growing resistance to white rule imposed by South African troops. Also, two guests provide us the latest…

From Reserve to Homeland - South African Native Policy in Southern Namibia.pdf
The beginning of South African rule in present day Namibia marks a watershed in the country's history. The new developments initiated by a change in colonial rulers have generally been underestimated in existing literature.
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