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"The long over-due representation of the Nama in Namibian museums formed the primary motivation to develop this exhibition as part of a larger exhibition titled "Hunter-gatherers & Nomads in Sand and Ice Deserts", which was made available on loan to…
Sleeve holding the Thomas Baines Prints, depicting part of the painting "Hugo Hahn Addressing the Herero before the battle against the Oorlam-Nama Afrikaners, June 1864"
M.A. Dissertation - "Mandume has fought two colonial powers, Portugal and British-South Africa from the time he became king in 1911 to 1917. This thesis looks at the different ways in which Mandume ya Ndemufayo is remembered in Namibia and Angola…

Namibia Review (Unclear date).pdf
This is a much larger document (107p), which appears to have been produced in the early 1980s. The cover reads 'Namibia Review', but it appears to have been produced not by the Swedish Namibia students group, but by a Johannesburg-based students'…
Namibia’s Constitution is a remarkable achievement. It was put together by 72 elected members of the Constituent Assembly in just 80 days in late 1989 and early 1990. Many of these Assembly members had been sworn enemies up until the Namibian…
Courtesy of Africana Museum, Johannesburg
"The portrait of a revolutionary legend is a story of Andimba Herman Toivo ya Toivo. Ya Toivo started to organize fellow migrant workers from the then South West Africa who were working in Cape Town, in order to form a political organization to…
No. 26 in a series of government publications titled "Ethnological Publications." This issue discusses Kaoko: history, ecology, rinderpest, Oorlog, settlement, rainfall, livestock, demographics, urban areas, ethnicity, and "histories" of the Himba,…
"Miksi Namibiasta löytyy kymmeniä Marttoja ja Väinöjä? Mitä kaiman rooli merkitsee Ambomaalla? Minna Saarelma-Maunumaan tuoreessa väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan eurooppalaisen kulttuurin vaikutuksta namibialaisiin henkilönimiin. Suomen Lähetysseuran…
PhD Dissertation: This study analyses the changes in the anthroponymic system of the Ambo people, the largest ethnic group in Namibia, caused by the Christianisation and Europeanisation of the traditional Ambo culture. The central factors in this…
This report explores the interface between recent socio-political changes in Namibia, and the way they are reflected in emergent musical practices and identities within the country. The potential tension between unity and diversity is investigated…
Beschreibung:Hendrik Witbooi und Theodor Leutwein - das sind die zentralen Figuren auf Seiten der Nama und der Deutschen im Zeitraum 1884-1904. Sie kämpften gegeneinander und sie kämpften miteinander. Und sie hatten gegenseitigen Respekt voreinander.…
M.A. Dissertation - The Karasburg Basin is situated in southern Namibia and preserves a heterogeneous succession of Karoo Supergroup strata up to 1000m thick. The uppermost preserved succession in this basin is the Amibberg Formation which is 250m…
PhD Dissertation (History of Art) - "This dissertation examines the trajectory of Namibian art during the country's multiple phases of nationalism from 1946 to 2003. Nationalism, an ideological construct that posits unified national identity and a…
1. GENERAL APPROACH: We recommend that Namibia’s approach to inheritance should be to retain a dual system which incorporates the positive aspects of customary law whilst at the same time ensuring respect for all constitutional rights. As a practical…
PhD Dissertation - "This is an ethnographic and discourse analytical study into the onto-politics of traditional medicine in Namibia. The discourses and practices that shape, make and imagine traditional medicine at the international, national and…
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