Browse Items (433 total)
The Interim Government (Conversion of Constituent Assembly into National Assembly) [Kenneth Abrahams] -Inter-Party Talks and the Internal Situation -The UN Plan for Namibia -The Detention of SWAPO Leaders -The President in Pretoria
Issued as a Supplement to SA Digest (6 February 1981) -A Somewhat Partisan take on the 1977-1980 period in Namibia
Issue No. 6 - January 1977 -Anticipation of DTA Election Efforts -Dirk Mudge, Clemens Kapuuo, Henry Kissinger -Covert Military Operations in Namibia (Transkei Mercenaries) -Detentions by SWAPO in Exile
Definition of an Immigrant -Immigration to South Africa: Historical Background -South Africa's Immigration Policy -Effects of Immigration in Southern Africa and Europe -Implementation of the Immigration Policy: Organizations and Techniques
Various Condemnations with regard to Namibia, especially Uranium
Introduction /​ Roger Kahle Why, O why, Lord Mission theology and mission strategy in Africa A black theology of liberation Mary's song of praise : Luke 1:46-55 A Christmas meditation : Isaiah 9:2-6 Zachariah's prophecy : Luke 1:68-79 An Easter…
Are there ways and means of measuring democracy and “good governance”? The contributions to this Discussion Paper present attempts to do this by means of surveys on democratic attitudes in Mozambique and Namibia respectively as well as by exploring…
Agro-pastoralists living in arid lands of Africa tend to have highly mobile lifestyles and to use natural resources widely and sparsely. Thus, they require frontiers with low population densities and sufficient natural resources. However, this study…
This paper focuses on the mutual transition between vegetation and timber use by the Ovambo people in north-central Namibia and their use of palms for timber in recent years. The vegetation around the research area was characterized as Mopane…
PhD Dissertation - "Some argue that the territorial boundaries of African countries, having largely survived the transition to independence, are now like a poorly tailored suit: It does not fit in many places but African leaders have by and large…
In 1990, Namibia emerged from colonial rule with a skewed distribution of agricultural land and high levels of poverty. The new government led by SWAPO Party initiated a process to address the land question within the first few months of…
In 1990, Namibia emerged from colonial rule with a skewed distribution of agricultural land and high levels of poverty. The new government led by SWAPO Party initiated a process to address the land question within the first few months of…
Dissertation (LLM) - Namibia has since gaining its independence managed to build a strong mining industry and a solid regulatory framework to govern it. Many foreign investors have looked to Namibia’s mining industry to invest in this growing sector…
Large scale land acquisitions by foreign investors in Africa for agricultural purposes continue to capture attention worldwide. In recent years Namibia has received some proposals from multi-national agricultural corporations to develop large scale…
At independence, apartheid policy was abolished and the new Constitution introduced the right of all Namibians to reside and settle in any part of the country. This provoked a dramatic increase of informal settlement in Windhoek, mostly around…
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